1. Does Toronto Escorts Cachet Ladies use real pictures of the escorts?
Yes definitely! We only use real and accurate pictures of the escorts. We meet all the escorts before we put their pictures up on the site. Escorts do sometimes send pictures which are not of themselves. These days it is very rare. All of our escorts go through a very rigorous employment screening process where we do meet with each escort several times in a two week period before agreeing to work with them. There are several practical reasons for this, but we like to ensure that all the escort models are healthy, able to keep their appointments on time, and are all-around serious about top-tier clients.
2. Can I see unblurred or full-face pictures of escorts that hide their face?
Many of the ladies that join Toronto Escorts Cachet Ladies, require their face to be hidden. Either by blurring the eyes and nose or cutting the picture above the mouth. Sometimes the escort will have permitted full face pictures to be available to a regular clientele. This will be stated at the end of the escort’s description on her profile page. If you have used the agency a few times and would like access to these pictures, then please send an email. If the escort you are enquiring about has given permission, we will give you access to her full face pictures.
3. Can I book two escorts together?
Yes that is possible. You can book two bisexual escorts for incall or outcall bookings. Some of the escorts would have worked together before. We try and place these ladies in the duo escorts section. Online you are able to also place your booking and select as many escorts as you need.
4. Do you do any incall or are you strictly an outcall agency?
No, we do not participate in any incall whatsoever. We do no recommend incall ever. The service difference between an outcall agency and an incall is so severe that it would require its own blog post. Suffice it to say incall is not safe, not legal, and extremely dangerous.
5. What details do you require for outcall bookings to a hotel?
When you make an outcall escort booking to your hotel, we will need the following:
A. The name of the hotel (with the phone number if possible, though we should be able to find the phone number ourselves)
B. The name you are checking in under.
C. What time you will be checking in.
We require these details to confirm the booking. Also these details let us make sure we are sending the escort to the right hotel. Once you have checked in, you can contact us with the room number.
6. How do I get access to the member’s area of Toronto Escort Cachet Ladies website?
If you had used Toronto Escorts Cachet Ladies a few times then you will be eligible to obtain access to the member’s area. Just email us and we will send you our decision it’s by invite only. The ladies within this area do not hide their faces, and access is by 2FA only that way you can’t share the login with anyone else we also ask for your IP address to whitelist your mobile phone that way only one device is able to login ever.
7. If I have met an escort who would like to join Toronto Escort Cachet Ladies, what should I tell them?
Please direct them to our website. There they can find the escort jobs application form. Once they filled that in, they will be directed to email a few pictures of themselves. Of course any escort is free to call the agency to discuss joining too.
8. How can I send feedback on the booking I had with an escort from Toronto Escorts Cachet Ladies?
You are able to leave each escort a genuine review on our website. Feel free to also email any feedback you have. Of course you can also text or even call to let us know how the booking went. Feedback is always appreciated.
9. What does a dinner date booking entail?
Dinner date bookings are set as a four-hour booking. Two hours at dinner and two hours of private time. This what the dinner date rates on the profiles of the escorts refer to. Of course you can ask for a shorter or longer period. We will let you know the fee for your required dinner date duration. The dinner party can be before or after the private time. We usually require you to meet the escort at your location at the start of the dinner date.